Thursday, September 01, 2005

I love Kidd

My favorite radio station (Kidd Kraddick in the Morning) collected $$ all day yesterday for Red Cross Hurricane relief. They dedicated the whole show to it. It is a syndicated radio program so they were collecting $$ via phone, website and had drop off places in the cities where they broadcast across the US. I don’t know how many stations broadcast him, but I don’t think there are a ton of them. It’s not a nationwide thing at all. Anyway, in one day they raised $275,000. I had tears running down my face on the way to work listening to people call in and thank them. So amazing!

I keep hearing the newscasts and see the pictures but cannot really wrap my brain around what TOTAL devastation must feel like. I work in the insurance field and so the money aspect of the devastation is all anyone around me can talk about. I heard that the governor even told the catastrophic claim teams to not even bother coming to New Orleans…….and that in several months when the water is gone just to start writing checks. Nothing will be salvageable.

My precious 3 year old nephew told his mom that he will “give some of his toys to the kids underwater”. We should all be that giving!

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To donate to the Red Cross Katrina Disaster Relief call 1-800-Help-Now.