Friday, April 07, 2006


Chapter 1:
Your Initials: AAM
Middle name: Ann
Current location: Austin
Hair length: much longer than normal
Eye color: hazel

Chapter 2:
Do you live with your parents: nope
Do you get along with your parents: very well
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: divorced
Do you have any siblings?: 1 sister
What pets do you have?: two dogs and two cat growing up, but none now

Chapter 3:
FavoritesIce cream flavor: Blue Bell Homemade vanilla or chocolate chip cookie dough
Clothing brand: FL Malik
Shampoo/conditioner: Treseme, shampoo only, conditioner makes me hair too greasy

Chapter 4:
Do You..Sing in the shower: NO
Write memos on your hand?: not since middle school
Call people back?: yesBelieve in love: YES
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: always the left side (if you are facing the bed)
Wear glasses or contacts?: no
Have any bad habits: nah, I’m pretty damn perfect!

Chapter 5:
Have You Ever..Gone skinny dipping?: yes
Worn braces?: no, again with the perfect…..
Broken a bone? No, see above
Had stitches?: twice, biopsy in hip and tumor removed from thigh
Shoplifted?: yes, a small porcelain poodle from a gift shop in San Diego (it’s a great story you should ask me about it someday!)
Gone scuba diving?: no, only snorkeling
Been stung by a jellyfish?: no, but if I did I would certainly let someone pee on it to stop the pain!
Been stung by a bee?: yes, but not since I was a kid
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no, hotel lobby….but not a restaurant
Been to overnight camp?: yes, church camp
Sworn in front of your parents?: yes, sorry mom!
Had detention?: yes, in 7th grade I got detention from my science teacher Mr. Blue and had to separate dead frogs into several buckets as punishment
Been sent to the principal's office?: not that I can remember

Chapter 6:
Who/What was the last..Person to text you?: Toni
What did it say?: “I’m an evil woman, ha-ha”
Person to call you?: Mom
Person you hugged?: Lesli on her b-day
Person you tackled? Huh?
Thing you touched?: coffee cup
Thing you said: Spaghetti warehouse for lunch?
Thing you ate?: spaghetti last night for dinner
Thing you drank?: coffee