Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Dirty Martini.....Dirty Bastard"

Partial Dooce post, I loved it too much not to re-post it.

"I think it was her way of saying thank you for all that vodka. I was surprised to find out that she likes dirty martinis because I have a hard time finding anyone who will drink them with me. I’ll admit that a martini requires a bit of dedication in the sense that the first time I ever drank one I got the distinct feeling that I was swallowing hairspray. After a few the taste started to dull into that of lighter fluid, but now, now that I’ve been drinking them for several years, I can’t wait for that first antiseptic sip. I like knowing that if I ever cut off my arm I could just dip the nub into a martini to keep it sterilized until the ambulance showed up."

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My thoughts exactly!