Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Forgive me for a minute while I get political

The democrats didn’t win yesterday as much as the republicans lost! The republicans have a few people and things to blame it on namely: sex, money and corruption.

The republicans have these fine gentlemen to thank:
Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to felony bridery
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Tom DeLay, resigned after fundraising schandal
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John Sweeney, his wife called 911 during their last domestic dispute

Bob Ney, pleaded guilty to corruption in the Abramoff scandal.
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William Jefferson, was accused of accepting bribes and FBI agents found $90,000 in his freezer.

Mark Foley, resigned after sex scandal with Washington pages.
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Don Sherwood, who had an affair and then the mistress accused him of chocking her. NICE.

Everyone on this list (aside from Abramoff) lost their races yesterday. And they all have theirselves to blame not the party.