It's christmas open house around the blog and i'd like to show you my decorations...this is my favorite season of the year, and I just LOVE all the decor. The christmas stuff is totally my color scheme and I just love how it looks in this little cottage. My front door has a big oval of glass and it makes me SO happy to drive up my driveway and see my tree glistening through the glass. Come on in and check it out!

Santa table

That precious little vintage elf!

cool old Santa from Dee!

St. Nick and Rudolph, thanks Nana!

Another nick-nack via Nana & Papa's attic, Mom said this was my Mubby's (my gret-grandmother)

One of my favorite ornaments, it says Aunt Sis....Logan got it for me my first Christmas as an Aunt.

My tree

Center of the table. These ornaments are the favors from Lindsi & Derek's wedding. They donated to a charity in our name and gave us ornaments as a reminder.

Dee tied old ceramic ornaments from Nana to napkins on the table.
Funny story: one year Nana and Papa had all ceremic ornaments on their tree and it weighted it down so much that it fell over!

Table and tree, view from the hall

My nativity scenes, my hope is to have one big elborate one, but these will def do until then. The one of the far left is made from a coconut and was bought in Hawaii.

My little Charlie Brown tree outside!

Snowman on the front door
Thanks for indulging my over the top Christmas spirit the week of Thanksgiving!