We had a great time on Thanksgiving. We had 13 including: parents, in-law, ex-laws, grandparents, siblings and grandchildren. The food was great, dressing was exceptionally good this year. Turkey was a bit dry....I'm insisting we brine it next year! Here is a run down of the festivities and most importantly the FOOD!

Papa carving the turkey, and Uncle Jeff and Adam sneaking a few pieces

Green bean casserole, and this was NOT the typical Durky one ! Mom made an adult version with goat cheese, mushrooms, peppers and grilled onions crisped with Ritz cracker crumbs.

That poor turkey didn't stand a chance with all of us!

My dad, Angie and Uncle Jeff

One of the pans of dressing--Nana's masterpiece
Babycakes by Angie Apple Pie

Another pie by Angie, chocolate chip

Turkey Tray

Logan putting together a Batman Lego ship while he waited on lunch

extra long table
Would love to hear about your Thanksgiving too!