China Taste is my favorite local Chinese restaurant and my favorite item is number 101, Chow-Mei-Fun with chicken. I was in the mood and wanted a healthier version, so I made my own.
200 Calories, 1/2 gram of fat & 1 gram of fiber per serving which is 1/3 of the package, that equals A LOT of noodles.

This is 1 serving. 1/3 of the package

heat water and cover noodles, let sit for 10 minutes

Earlier in the evening I made a marinade for the pork, a few dashes of soy, a little squirt of Asian hot sauce (I call it angry cock sauce, see pic on bottle) and mustard (I'd have used hot mustard, but I didn't have any) I also added the juice of a few limes.

I marinaded 2 small breakfast pork chops in the Asian sauce. I let it marinade for an hour or so.

Veggies for the stir-fry, bean sprouts, celery, water chestnuts, mushroom, baby corn, onions, ginger, cabbage & bamboo shoots.

I sauteed the pork in a grill pan, until fully cooked. I let it rest and then sliced it.

I added the veggies to a screaming hot wok and sauteed for a few minutes and then transferred to a bowl

Then I added the cooked noodles and pork to wok and browned

Transfer the veggies back to the noodle & pork mixture

Serving of noodles, veggies & pork. It was fabulous. Another good idea is to eat with chop-sticks, it takes longer to eat and so you end up eating less. The one serving of noodles made a lot, I'll be able to get at least 3 meals out of it. And although I didn't have a side of hot & sour soup and crispy fried egg roll, I completely enjoyed every bite and didn't feel like I was depriving myself of fabulous Chinese take-out.