Here are the shows that I am totally loving this summer!
Big Brother 12 started last night and Adam and I laughed till we cried. So many great one liners. Seems like this season is going to have lots of great twists and turns. And they really kicked up the decor a notch....loving those colors CBS! I hate to say that I devote THREE nights a week to this tv show, but it's my thing, get over it! I've got no mans, no babies & I get off work at 4:30pm....ALL I HAVE is time! ha.
Jersey Couture, are you watching? It's darling. Mom owns a high-end dress shop and her 2 daughters, son & husband all work there. They have a bit of the jersey "attitude" but are sweet and loving and not at all like those awful Jersey Shore people. I LOVE seeing their clothes and their cute sisterly banter back and forth with "MA". Set your dvr, you'll like it, trust me!

Oh, this one might be my favorite. And I don't know one soul on planet earth that is watching it. I have NO ONE to talk to about it. It has great high school drama (yall know I love me some teen drama) love interests & suspense, mystery, family drama, sexual tension, and GREAT clothes. If you watch this PLEASE email me, so we can chat about it.
Another season of SYTYCD, and after all these seasons I'm still loving it. Except Billy; he creeps me out. Please vote him off, PLEASE!