My Nana, is strong as nails. She has taught me countless things. Most of my childhood memories involve her. I can't even begin to tell you all the games we played and make-believe. And her closet was MUCHO fun for dress up! Angie and I spent many Friday nights at Nana & Papa's house, and we would play restaurant (Specifically Spaghetti Warehouse). Nana would cook the italian supper, Angie would make the menu, take reservation, and be the hostess and I would get the leftover jobs (but hey, I'm the little sister)! We had SUCH a fun time, and Nana NEVER broke character when we were playing restaurant! Then Saturday morning the pancakes were pipping hot and the orange juice was always served in either wine glasses OR those tiny black and white mugs from Braniff airlines. And I could go on and on with more stories just as fun.

Mom, Nana, Angie & Me...3 generations!
Please join me in wishing Nana a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!