Ever since Angie and I were little Mom has always bought us a Christmas ornament. Well 30+ years later we are still continuing that tradition....and now we include Adam & the babies.
Layton got a cup & milk & oreo's (he LOVES oreos) from Mammie & I got him a cute little mercury glass monkey...because I tell him all the time he's a monkey with his tail cut off!

Logan got a soccer ornament from me & that awesome fish from Mammie (he became a fisherman this year! haha)

I hit the jack-pot and found Landry a pink PRINCESS ornament (it has all the Disney girls on it)

The 3 snowmen in the back is the one that Mom got Anige to represent her 3 babies, and that darling snowbaby with mouse ears is from Mammie to Landry to remember our Disney trip.

I got Angie this crochet cupcake

Adam got a #1 Dad from the kids, the Disney santa from mom & I always get him some sort of basketball ornament.

This year mom and Angie both did cooking theme ornaments for me.

I can't believe mom found this darling reindeer GRILLING! Too cute.
Thanks everyone for the darling ornaments again this year!