Happy 5th Birthday
January 2010 is my FIFTH anniversary with this blog (back before blogging was the new black) I’ve really enjoyed having it & thank you to the loyal readers who I haven’t bored to tears yet! Although I don’t entertain this for the comments…it sure is nice to hear from you, especially the “strangers”, it means a lot that you take the time to leave a note!
2009 was a big year for me. I accomplished some awesome things all by myself, attempted a lot of things by myself and then had to have someone come in and help, traveled more than I ever have, cultivated some friendships that I know will be lifelong, as well as came to realize the face value of some others. I haven’t made any resolutions, and at this point in the game I doubt I will. But I’m just going to try to make an impact as best I can….whatever that entails.
Thanks again for following along, here’s to many more years of blogging!
