Landry arrived @ 5pm with bag in hand, ready to hang out. She told Angie on the way to my house that Sis's house was pretty. And she was VERY excited to tell the boys where she was going and hardly gave them a wave out the door.

At Sis's house you get to eat dinner on the couch!

Dinner of champions, (on a leftover plate from Lesli's lingerie shower) Cheese It's, square cheese & breakfast bar. Yuummmmmmm.

She specifically asked to watch "Sis's shows" which means Oprah or Rachael Ray talk show, just hanging out while watching Rachael cook

Then it was bath-time and popsicle time. When she finished her "Lel-loww" popsicle she said she wanted an orange one. I very sweetly told her I thought 1 (it was the double kind) was enough. She tilted her to the side and said, "peeeezzzzzz Sis?" My heart melted and I jumped up and got her the orange one. Push-over you say? Well at least she said PLEASE!

Look how long and pretty her hair is

She thought it was very fun to play with Sis's camera....a few shots she took of herself
She was a tired girl when her mommy arrived, but we had a great time and I'm looking forward to another play day very soon.