Saturday night we went to Tryst nightclub inside the Wynn hotel. We didn't know what to expect, but boy did we have fun.

Lesli was the hair-dresser for the evening. Here she is making our hair as big as Texas!
We walked in after waiting in line and paying A LOT to get inside

It was packed! Check out the crowded dance floor.

We were very excited when Kenny asked us to join he and his friends at his reserved table. We had our own table, our own waitress and plenty of room to dance. We had a blast ALL night long, I think we got back to our room at @ 6am. No one in Vegas wears a watch & there are NO clocks in sight!

Lesli danced with one of the club dancers. I think she danced her under the table!!

Allie & Ryan, view from above

Ryan & Les

Ryan & Allie

Lesli & Allie