Venture was this weekend. It's an annual event at my church, when middle school & high school students spend the weekend learning, spending time in discussion & serving the community. The students stay in various church members homes. This is my 4th year to host teenagers and I have to say, it was the best.

Here is a short re-cap of the weekend via photos.

Joel Warren's band Awaken, lead worship this weekend. It brought back such fun memories of
MY OWN high school years listening to Joel. Am so thankful for the memories!
Mike Satterfield spoke. He was smart, charismatic, funny & def dynamic!
Adam & Angie hosted 11th grade boys. BRAVE, haha

Logan & Jackson

The babies LOVED being involved

Layton waiting to leave. He was totally part of the group, those 11th grade boys loved him and def let him into the "nook". He was their shadow from Friday 7pm until Sunday at noon. It takes a lot to "break into" Laytons heart, but when he loves, he L--O--V--E--S, he loved those boys this weekend, and they loved him. He didn't want to leave. Angie gave him her phone to occupy him while we said our good-bye's.

Of course
Sam, blinged up Campbell's Venture shirt

Angie & Logie. He's in that stage where he's not too fond of pictures, you can tell he wants to bolt.

We tried to do an "all kid" picture...but it ended up being the Cilios and landry!

I hate to play favorites, but this weekend is my favorite of 2011 so far.
Am sad Venture weekend is over. I had so much fun w/ my family, friends, kids & teenagers. Love, Love. My heart is full & cup runneth over!