Saturday, March 12, 2011

Trip to Mississippi

At the end of January I went to visit Lesli and see her darling new house.

And of course to visit "the girls" Stella & Lola

Her cottage is adroable

I also got to meet her sweet friend Rhea Anna & see Craig
We laughed A LOT

We sang, A LOT....well I'm a member of a country club...Travis Tritt style

Y'all their accents are FABULOUS. I mean, as SU-THEREN as southern can be!

I think we were able to fit in Chick-fil-a 3 times in 3 days, cause hey EAT MORE CHICKEN
But of course we did do what we love, COOK A DELISH meal

cedar grilled tilapia with cajun spice blend

Cheese grits, & I learned something new...BLUE BOX CHEESE

where have you been hiding all my life?

And stuffed zuchinni

I had SUCH a fun time, being able to relax with Lesli. It's been years since we've lived together, but in the matter of a few seconds of being back together, it's like the time never passed and we are right back where we belong. Thank you so much for such a great trip & all your southern hospitality & charm. Love you Sister.