I make my own laundry detergent. The cost is about .03 per load, whereas most bottled detergent is at least .30 a load, so I am saving a quarter every time I do a load of laundry. Cool huh? But mostly I make it because I love to cook and it's fun to me. Mom thinks I've gone over to the weird-o tree hugging, green side! Here is how you make it:
Shave a bar of whatever soup you want (I use Ivory) add it to 4 cups of simmering water until it is all combined into a a slime. Add 1/2 cup of Borax and 1 cup of pure detergent flakes, combine all that with 3 gallons of water. (you will need a 5 gallon bucket)

This is what the mixture looks like

Then stir for 2-3 minute to fully combine, and then it will look like this

You will need to save several old detergent bottles, cause this recipe makes A TON. Use 1 cup of this mixture as your detergent.