Welcome to the pumpkin man tour of 2011. I hope you aren't bored by the end....cause there are lots this year. I feel like I can brag on how cute they all are, because 95% of them were gifts from sweet friends and family.
These little babies are new this year, from Dee & Ryan found me a set of 4. And they didn't even duplicate them. Worked out perfectly.
Gerhart Gang got me this darling tin pumpkin for my front door. I'm sure my neighbors think....whose the crazy lady with the pumpkin out when it's 106. But I don't care :)

These little gems were from the Dollar Tree, I have lots in all different colors

This was the
REAL pumpkin man. He was the first and only truly authentic one.

this is my "spooky" corner, I try to only use happy, folks~ey Halloween decor, but I just couldn't pass on the black glitter skeleton heads!

That cutie on the left was from
Ryan for my birthday, it was waiting for me when I arrived, my first trip to Florida. The darling one riding the cat was also a birthday gift from Mom last year.

Dee got me this precious witch, and I bought that cool feather tree at Home Goods, last year

Tara got me this fabulous boa feather tree